
Thursday, September 1, 2011

Hi, ho! Hi, ho! Off to development we go!

No idea where the post title came from, maybe I have dwarves on the mind? One of us at LGG is taking a nice break to London, "but I wonder which one!", I hear you cry. Well it's NOT the one that writes all the blog posts(lol) which is good for the blog, ain't it? I'll give you two guesses. Wait... there's only two of us. Oh, you got me! "That artist is a lucky a bugger, isn't he?" Why yes, he is.

He gets to animate! Whooo... not so much fun as it sounds. Whenever I animate a character, it either humps the air or tap dances awkwardly like he's trapped in a dance academy armageddon, enslaved to do so for entertainment. Oh, do I make everything sound so bleak or is my attempt at satire as entertaining as the vision of the tapdancing enslaved guy in his heart-covered briefs in an arena avoiding arrows and guys in chicken suits?

Either way, it doesn't make the process anymore grueling. If I stop posting and coming online, I've probably died, for sloth is my sin and and I'd take the sin any day instead of the alternative right now. "Wait... isn't post day Wednesday?" Supposedly, but I'm a little tadpole swimming in the mess of organization some call the "brain".


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