
Saturday, December 10, 2011

Beta Testing time and an explenation

Hey there everyone, Maninhell here, so after working very hard for the past week, im glad to announce that the BETA IS HERE! *woohoo*.

first off i want to apologize for the long wait and thank everyone for bieng so patient and understanding.
another thing i want to mention is, TWA, who has the beta testing listings has disappeared from some reason and therefore i couldnt begin the testing, but now that the game is nearly complete, i decided i cant wait any longer.

so the testing will be 2morrow (11 December) at 6PM GMT (please notice that your time might be different from this one, so check this and dont be late!

since TWA also owns the irc channel, the testing will begin with IM-ing me (whoever doesnt have me on msn messanger read everything to the end and ill write it below).
yeah i know its not optimal, but if i happen to find some other empty chat room or irc channel, ill notify u via the IM,

if u have any questions u can ask me in my msn messanger adress.,
but please, dont bother me with stuff like "CAN I BE A BETA TESTER?! PLEASE?!"
just send me a message 2morrow at 6pm gmt and ill tell u if i need any more testers or if im booked,

once again, sorry for the long delay of this beta testing and i appreciate every1 coming 2morrow.

People who participated in our Alpha testing can get into the testing if they contact me, i know that its a short notice and that not all of u can be there in the specified time, so if u contact me i could get u in a little later than the time specified.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Let the testing begin! Take 2!

We're almost at the close, so if you guys wanna get in on the beta-testing bandwagon, jump on now before it's closer to that sunset and without you! I'm pretty sure you can just comment below on this post with your email, you'll be sent the details later, BUT PLEASE, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, TRY COMING TO THE TESTING. We got about half of the people who gave us emails last time, and luckily, that was enough to get by on, but we'd like more opinions than one or two, it'd give us a boost for definite.

So yeah, don't just ignore the email or whatever, in fact, clear your schedules and plaster the words "Lime Grenade Games Testing session" on every date on the freakin' calendar if you're one of those that need dates. But it will only be one or two hours on one day.

We'll be using an IRC chat, details of which go in the emails sent to you too. You'll be given the time as well as the date, in a timezone - if it's not your's, you go online and look for a timezone converter like this:

Seeya next time!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Full speed ahead to our beta!

Ok, so we are working very hard to make this game, and we are very close to start our beta testing (Yay?).
but before this can be done, we first need to have a working game in a beta stage,
so here is the list of what is needed to be done till we can start actually inviting people and showing them our awesome beta version of the game.
(this list will be updated every time something is done)
Last Updated 27/11
Menu [Done]
Credits [Done]
Instructions [Done]
Difficulty page [Done]
Controls page [Done]
Pause menu [Done]
Upgrade menu's - dodge menus, RPG menus
Game over screen
fixing health bar
adding enemy health bar
difficulty management
angle of character
minor bug fixes

Keep checking here for progress.. so that u wont miss the beta registration when it starts.
any questions can be asked at the comments or the kong chat.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Let's see what's on the menu... I'll have the Icicle Salad.

Hello, non-existant fans and weary wanderers who click upon a link! Curiousity killed the kitty, y'know.

So, very sorry for not updating for 2 months with a post, but I doubt anyone out there reads this, nevermind cares. Back to business, we think this could be released at the end of this month or so, we're definitely not far behind on completion! I present to you a prototype menu interface for you to play with in giddy schoolgirl excitement, like I do when I see a themed-TF2 update by Valve.

Nothing in this is really for certain that's a "Very FINAL" menu, we're just certain that it's "Pretty Final" as far as menus go in the ranks of finality. If there's anything majorly wrong, in your eyes, we'd love to hear it in any way possible, can't guarantee we'll be all like "WHOOPS-A-DAISY, YOU'RE RIGHT, TWA SUCKS AT MENUS." Nah, we couldn't guarantee that, mostly because I think I'm PRETTY SLICK, YO. And that might crush my self-esteem into a pit of fiery despair and cake.

Oh, and it's called "Legend of the Icicle: Rise of the Brief Hero"... yeah. It's cool, much cooler than Dodgecicles, but it could potentially change... probably not now that I've done a logo, to be honest, but still. Stay tuned for more, we promise we'll try and be more productive with the blog! :D

Friday, September 9, 2011

Back to school, back to development

I(TWA) am now back at school 'cause I've just started my College Diploma on Interactive Media, and Mani has just got back from his fancy holiday to London, so I'm going to be(actually already am) being bossed about by several peoples to several different work stuffs. But at least work's getting done, because I need those bossy peoples for determination to be there in the first place. :P

So I'm doing animations still, because I just laid down dead on my keyboard for the last week and 5 days or so refusing to do anything important. I just know I can... lie down dead... again... when I get the work done... always a nice rewarding prize. Get ready for some tap dance-palooza with my idle animations, I may show them off to all of you on this blog's stage, or we may just draw the curtains.

Cya later.(I hope... *gulp*)

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Hi, ho! Hi, ho! Off to development we go!

No idea where the post title came from, maybe I have dwarves on the mind? One of us at LGG is taking a nice break to London, "but I wonder which one!", I hear you cry. Well it's NOT the one that writes all the blog posts(lol) which is good for the blog, ain't it? I'll give you two guesses. Wait... there's only two of us. Oh, you got me! "That artist is a lucky a bugger, isn't he?" Why yes, he is.

He gets to animate! Whooo... not so much fun as it sounds. Whenever I animate a character, it either humps the air or tap dances awkwardly like he's trapped in a dance academy armageddon, enslaved to do so for entertainment. Oh, do I make everything sound so bleak or is my attempt at satire as entertaining as the vision of the tapdancing enslaved guy in his heart-covered briefs in an arena avoiding arrows and guys in chicken suits?

Either way, it doesn't make the process anymore grueling. If I stop posting and coming online, I've probably died, for sloth is my sin and and I'd take the sin any day instead of the alternative right now. "Wait... isn't post day Wednesday?" Supposedly, but I'm a little tadpole swimming in the mess of organization some call the "brain".


Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Ittt's testing day! Yes, we are testing! With hardly... any testers... at all. But no problem, we can always fashion up another date for them. I think this testing has been somewhat a success. We've gotten a lot of feedback from our small amount of testers, and we've got a LOT of work to do, therefore.

We're thinking this is actually the alpha stage though, so maybe the proper BETA testing will be in a couple of weeks! Then hopefully, a few more weeks after that, a release!

So we're off to exterminate game bugs, wait for the next post at the weekend, which will have new progress lists!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

We put the pro in procrastination, that's for sure!

Okay, so, this is TWA again. Not that much of the graphics in my progress list was done over the last week, so we're continuing my objectives and laziness on a fresh page. Whoop? Oh, so that's why they're called DEADlines. Har har.

This week brings "Graphics Implementation Week", or so I'm told, and pressurized for. It also means we're looking for beta testers! Viewers: YAY! Us: Calm down! We're choosing those special kiddies. Viewers: Aww... wait, aren't we non-existent at this stage at the blog? Lies! You have no viewers! *paradox of swirly doom*

*big motivational poster of the army guy with the stache (My old History teacher)* WE WANT YOU! Yes, you. To beta-test our game. We're selecting a handful of the people who request it (God, there won't be many). And then they'll be part of the big project by helping us test. Ooh, do I get to sound like GLaDOS too? I NEED TESTING.

Yes, we need testing, we'll be having discussions with you peoples in our very own... BETA TESTING IRC CHANNEL! *gasps* *standing ovation*

See you there! Oh, almost forgot, just comment below or email Mani(our very own programmer) at his email which is

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

New week New progress / A little more about the game

Hey there everyone, so a week has passed and we have completed our set progress lists,
if we will continue as planned, we'll be able to start testing the game in around a week-two weeks time.
People keep asking me what does the genre Dodging/RPG means.
well, it means that you start at a dodging game, and when reaching enough points to buy stuff you can extend it to be either RPG (we have an rpg menu) or enrich the dodging experience (we also have a dodging menu), Hell, you can even make a mix of both of them!
When we'll add the story mode(currently working on the game as a "survival" mode) the job will be to have both genre's upgraded to the maximum.

More info will come next week, but for now, you know you want it, PROGRESS LISTS! *claps claps claps*

This week i'll be concentrating my forces to implement both of the upgrade lists fully (not as the upgrades that i did last week, last week i just added a button for it)
RPG List[33% Done]-
20 rpg enemies[code Done]
20 weapons[0% Done]
20 attributes upgrades[100% Done]

Dodging List[0% Done]-
20 Arena Keys upgrades[0% Done]
20 speed upgrades[0% Done]
20 armory upgrades[0% Done]
20 enemy arrows upgrades[code ready, waiting for graphics]

If I'll finish it early I'll add more features but for now thats my progress list for this week.

And THIS is TWA's mother-flabbergasting list of never-ending(never-to-be-made either) graphics to be made:

1. Sprite Graphics. [100% Done]
2. 20 Enemy Arrows. [100% Done]
3. ????
4. No profit.
5. 20 RPG Enemies. [100% Done]
6. Hero. [100% Done]
7. Weapons. [100% Done]
8. Shoes. [100% Done]
9. Armors. [100% Done]

10. Still no profit.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Fire in the hole! Watch out!

"KABOOM!" went the lime grenade; its juices spurted everywhere. Trenches filled with mud were now sticky with the green liquid. Privates TWA and Mani licked their lips in triumph and advanced over the mountain of fresh corpses, stamping their territory into the enemies' skin and fabrics by the mud on their boots. They planted a flag that waved high within the winds and sent a message out there. The message whispered in those winds, and it said "WE ARE LIME GRENADE GAMES! AND WE'RE HERE TO ROCK THIS SHOW!"

Hi, I'm Jack, I'm the 16 year-old artist of the team and also known as TheWhiteAngel on Kongregate. I've sort of built up a reputation on the site with that name, despite me hating it, I've had to live with that for years, but oh well... We are Lime Grenade Games, I didn't think of the name myself... well, a bit of it. The lime was my idea, at least. I have the pleasure of introducing you all to our first game project, which currently has no definite name? But I think it's going to be called "Dodgecicles" and it's a dodging game AND a RPG game in one... game package.

This is my progress list for the graphics of the game and also this site!:

An Arena background for the dodging part - [X] Done.
Four variations of the previous background with their own theme; one of the four elements out of Earth, Fire, Ice and Wind - [X] Done.
A cutscene background for the Arena - [X] Done.
Upgrades Main screen background - [X] Done.
Upgrades graphics - [X] Done.
Element Key graphics - [X] Done.

Lime Grenade Games banner, logo and background - [X] Done.
Lime Grenade Games preloader - [/] Sort of done.

Maninhell's List is kind of longer than mine, since he wants to finish the game mechanics and code as fast as possible for some reason, anyway here it is:
Basic dodging mechanics [X]-Done.
Mouse and keyboard settings[X]-Done.
Arena switching - Mouse [X]-Done, Keyboard [X]-Done.
Arena effects[100%] - Earth [X]- Done, Ice[X] - Done without special graphics, Fire[X] -Done without special graphics, Wind[X] - Done without special graphics
RPG basic enemy[X]- Done
RPG battle mechanics[100%]-Going into a working battle screen[X] - Done, Getting action buttons to work properly [X]-Done, have enemies return attacks [X]-Done, have a working turn based rpg battle (bug fixes) [X] Done, return to dodge mechanics [X] -Done
RPG Levels and xp gaining [X]-Done
Upgrades[]-Not done

Maninhell's note:
This progress list is for the next week, Hopefully we will get everything done and have something to show till next week.